Udayāstamāna sevā

All pūjā-s and kainkarya-s of an entire day at the mūla sannidhāna including uṣaḣkāla pūjā, prātaḣ catuśṣaṣṭyupacāra pūjā, pañcāmṛtābhiṣeka, alaṅkārapūjā, trimadhura-naivedya, mūlamantra japa (108 nos), sahasranāma pārāyaṇa, māhāpūjā, sāyaṅkāla śoḍaṣopacāra pūjā, and rātrī pañcopacāra pūjā.

  • Sankalpa at 07:30 AM

  • Sevakarta’s Presence Required

  • Duration: Full Day

  • Items to bring:

    1. 2 Coconuts;
    2. 20 Betel Leaves;
    3. 10 Full Betel Nuts;
    4. 4 Areca Flowers
    5. 15 Elakki Banana
    6. 1 Kg White Raw Rice
    7. 2 Silk clothes with border
    8. Mallige/Jasmine Garland made with plantain fibre
    9. 250 ml or more pure desi cow ghee
    10. Coins for ₹50
  • 5000/-