Maha Abhisheka

Abhiṣeka at the mūla sannidhāna including suvāsita ghrtānulepana, uṣṇodakābhiṣeka, pañcāmṛta and phalāmṛtābhiṣeka, śuddhodaka, gandhodakābhiṣeka, kuśodakābhiṣeka, and kumbhābhiṣeka accompanied by veda ghoṣa, maṅgalavādya and followed by pañcopacāra pūjā and maṅgalanīrājana.

  • Sankalpa at 07:30 AM

  • Sevakarta’s Presence Required

  • Duration: 09:30 – 11:30

  • Items to bring:

    1. 2 Coconuts;
    2. 20 Betel Leaves;
    3. 10 Full Betel Nuts;
    4. 4 Areca Flowers
    5. 15 Elakki Banana
    6. 1 Kg White Raw Rice
    7. 2 Silk clothes with border
    8. Mallige/Jasmine Garland made with plantain fibre
    9. 250 ml or more pure desi cow ghee
    10. Coins for ₹50
  • 2000/-