kuladevatā of trayārsheya pravarānvita bhārgava gotraja-s

Śrī bhārgavīnṛsiṁha sannidhi is the kuladevatā for the bhārgava-s of trayārṣeya pravara. This clan of brāhmaṇa-s originally hailing from bhṛgukakṣa (~bhṛgukaccha, presently bharuch) of gujarāta migrated southwards and settled at kunjalu grāma around 50-100 BCE. As they settled here, the brāhmaṇa-s were directed by bhagavatī to engage in the nityārādhanā in the kṣetra amidst the nāgavana where svayambhū caitanya existed. The nityārādhana by the family continued for several generations.
Over time one branch of the family moved south east on being invited to engage in the nityārādhanā of śrīmahāviṣṇumūrti at ajekāru around later 11th century and were engaged in the services there. Eventually, for reasons unknown, the family(ies) relinquished their duty to perform the nityārādhana at ajekāru.
The descendants eventually moved westwards either directly from kunjalu or ajekaru, and finally settled at yermāl near paḍubidri where the present ancestral house exists. The families are currently referred to as “ayya” and “akkayya” kuṭuṁba.
Following the fall of vijayanagara empire around 1565, units of tyrant islamic bahamani sultanate that were scattered in the region moved about wreaking havoc, resulting in the extermination and/or exodus of several brāhmaṇa-s of the region forcing them to abandon or hide the arcāmūrti-s that were worshipped in the temples. During this time about 450 years ago, similar fate befell the brāhamaṇa-s of the kṣetra and their arādhanā at the kṣetra was interrupted. The only surviving lineage of the brāhmaṇa-s existed in yermal unbeknownst of its original kuladevtā and mūlanāga for several generations hitherto.
An aṣṭamaṅgaḷa praśna conducted in 2018 disclosed these facts and a few people from the family were directed and enabled by bhagavatī to reconstruct and re-establish the nityārādhanā at the kṣetra as well as take up the jīrṇoddhāra of the place.
Thus, this sannidhāna is the kuladevatā for the above family of brāhmaṇa-s and the associated nāga is the mūlanāga for the entire family as well.
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